One of the best marketing tools you can have in your toolbox is a case study. This form of promotion comes directly from your clients and (or) customers. Because case studies come from third parties, they’re a valuable way of providing social proof of your company’s excellence. Some marketers don’t like following a specific clear-cut…
CLIP: Are Bylines Important? –
Bylines are strings of text featuring the writer’s name either at the beginning or end of the content. This attribution indicates who the writer is for that piece and sometimes includes the writer’s contact information, a headshot, and brief biography. Despite knowing what a byline is, that still leaves many wondering – are bylines important?…
CLIP: Is Quora or Medium Dead? –
When comparing the relevance of Quora and Medium, some may feel the two are too different for such a comparison. You can find answers to questions on both sites, but Quora does an excellent job drilling down the specifics with answers from qualified experts. That’s not to say Medium doesn’t have experts—they’re there and ready…
CLIP: Why Marketers Should Use the AP Style Guide –
While many companies create “house rules” in a style guide, many often use AP style as the foundation for these writing rules. Target audiences want to see consistent capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and other stylistic choices across all content businesses share. Source: Why Marketers Should Use the AP Style Guide –
CLIP: What Does a Writer’s Portfolio Look Like? –
When sending out pitches or responding to ads, there’s one thing they all have in common – requests for a writer’s portfolio. If you don’t have one, you might cull together samples from your hard drive as a stand-in. While that might work if you’re pitching to a niche industry and want specific topic samples,…